DJ Khaled yana bir Air Jordan retrosini namoyish etishga tayyor


DJ Khaled Air Jordan Retro 2018

DJ Khaled krossovkalar sanoatida juda taniqli nomga aylandi va qizil rangda kiyingan Air Jordan 3 "We The Best" tuflisidan so'ng, xip-xop magnati endi yana bir Air Jordan Retro poyafzalini namoyish qilmoqchi.

Aniq poyabzal nima bo'lishi haqida hech qanday ma'lumot yo'q, lekin u o'tkazadigan tadbirning ushbu tizer videosidan biz uning birinchi Air Jordan 3 ning davomini olishimiz mumkin.

DJ Khaled 24-sentabr kuni o'zining yangi Air Jordan Retro tuflisini rasman namoyish qiladi, u ham muxlislarga juft yutib olish imkoniyatini beradi. Sovg‘ada qatnashish uchun siz uning so‘nggi albomi va We The Best x Jordan brendi ko‘ylagini o‘z ichiga olgan “Ashadning otasi” albom to‘plamini xarid qilishingiz kerak bo‘ladi.

Tadbir 24-sentabr dushanba kuni soat 16:00 dan 20:00 gacha Los-Anjelesdagi 7711 Melrose Avenue-da bo'lib o'tadi. To'liq ma'lumot uchun quyidagi Instagram postini tekshiring.

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FAN LUV! WORLDWIDE!!! LETS MAKE MORE HISTORY!!!!!!! ?FAN LUV‼️ DJ KHALED x NEW JORDAN ALERT? Join us Monday Sept 24th 4pm – 8pm at ____ 7711 Melrose Ave Los Angeles, CA 90046 ___ For a chance to win a new pair of the new KHALED x JORDAN sneaker!! ___ Included with your purchase of a We The Best x Jordan T- Shirt Bundled with the upcoming #FatherOfASAHD Album!! ____ If you’re not in LA no worries we are officially launching where you’ll also be able to purchase a We The Best x Jordan T- Shirt and have a chance to win the new KHALED X JORDAN sneaker!! _____ FAN LUV MEET ME RIGHT HERE: MONDAY SEPT. 24th 4pm – 8pm 7711 Melrose Ave Los Angeles, CA 90046 @wethebestmusic @jumpman23 IM UP TO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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