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Reebok Question Low Collegiate Royal

The Reebok Question Low "Blue Toe" 2015-yil sentabrida debyut qilinadigan eng yangi past-top Reebok Question rang-barangligi.

Oq, Royal Collegiate va Ice rang sxemasida kiyingan. Reebok Question ning ushbu "Blue Toe" nashrida to'liq oq rangli teridan tikilgan ustki qism, oyoqning old qismi, tili va tovonida Collegiate Royal Blue nubuk tasvirlangan. Poyafzal an'anaviy muzli shaffof tashqi taglikning siluetlari bilan to'ldiriladi.

Reebok Question Low "Blue Toe" Chiqarish sanasi

Quyidagi qo'shimcha fotosuratlarni ko'rib chiqing va qidiring Reebok Question Low "Blue Toe" 2015-yil 12-sentabr, shanba kuni tanlangan Reebok Classic chakana sotuvchilarida chiqariladi. Chakana narx yorlig'i 115 AQSh dollari qilib belgilangan.

Reebok savoli past

Oq/Kollegiya Royal-Ice


2015 yil 12 sentyabr

115 dollar

YANGILANISH: The Reebok Question Low "Kollegial Royal" ertaga, 12-sentyabr kuni Finish Line kabi riteylerlar orqali debyut qiladi. Bu erda kelgusi nashrning bir nechta batafsil tasvirlari.

Reebok Question Low Collegiate Royal

Reebok Question Low Collegiate Royal

Reebok Question Low Collegiate Royal

Reebok Question Low Collegiate Royal

Reebok Question Low Collegiate Royal

Reebok Question Low Collegiate Royal

Reebok Question Low Collegiate Royal

Reebok Question Past Blue Toe

Reebok Question Past Blue Toe

Reebok Question Past Blue Toe

Reebok Question Past Blue Toe

Reebok Question Past Blue Toe

Ko'proq o'qing