Disney x ASICS Gel Lyte III


Disney x ASICS Gel Lyte III 46153_1

Yangi "Go'zallik" va "Eng yaxshi" filmi bilan birgalikda Disney va ASICS "Go'zallik va Yirtqich" maxsus nashrini ishlab chiqdilar.

To'plamga ikkita "Go'zallik" rangdagi va bitta "Yirtqich" versiyasiga ega ASICS Gel Lyte III kiradi, ikkalasi ham filmda kiyingan kostyumlardan ilhomlangan naqsh va materiallarni o'z ichiga oladi.

Hozircha chiqish sanasi belgilanmagan bo'lsa-da, ASICS o'zlarining Instagram orqali maxsus qadoqdagi juftlarni sovg'a qiladi. Batafsil ma'lumot quyida.

We’ve teamed up with Disney to give away this very special edition of the GEL Lyte III Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” delivered in a one of a kind collector’s box. Follow @asicstigerhq on Instagram, like this post and you could win these for someone special by tagging them in the comments. The winner will be drawn on 10.03.2017 #AsicsTigerXDisney #BeautyAndTheBeast T’s & C’s in the link in our bio

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Disney x ASICS Gel Lyte III Go'zallik va Yirtqich

Disney x ASICS Gel Lyte III Go'zallik va Yirtqich

Disney x ASICS Gel Lyte III Go'zallik va Yirtqich

Disney x ASICS Gel Lyte III Go'zallik va Yirtqich

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