John Elliott x Nike Air Force 1 Low Releasing Fall 2018


John Elliott x Nike Air Force 1 Low

Id-disinjatur tal-moda John Elliott se jkun qed joħroġ in-Nike Air Force 1 Low tiegħu li kien esebit waqt ComplexCon 2017 aktar tard din il-Ħarifa 2018.

Dan huwa segwitu għall-Kollezzjoni Għolja Nike Vandal preċedenti tiegħu mill-Ħafa 2017. Nike Air Force 1 tiegħu jiġi fi skema ta 'kulur abjad fuq abjad nadif u sempliċi. Xi wħud mid-dettalji li żied kien ġilda pebbled build mal-logos Swoosh die cut fuq il-ġnub.

John Elliott x Nike Air Force 1 Data ta' Rilaxx Baxxa

Fittex għall- John Elliott x Nike Air Force 1 Low biex toħroġ din il-Ħarifa 2018 f'bejjiegħa bl-imnut Nike Sportswear u Hawn taħt Elliott jiddiskuti l-proċess tad-disinn tiegħu li jaqsam fuq Instagram lura f'Novembru.

John Elliott x Nike Air Force 1 Low

Data ta' Rilaxx: Ħarifa 2018

John Elliott x Nike Air Force 1 Low

FINALLY…Beyond excited to share these!!! About a year ago, we had the opportunity to work on the 35th anniversary project for what is in my opinion the most iconic shoe ever, the @nike Air Force 1. There was one stipulation: it had to be all white. When tasked with working on such a culturally significant silhouette under the restriction of keeping it in an all white palette, I wanted to make sure that we included our DNA in the silhouette and tried to craft details that could potentially create color. To me the only way to do that was by adding and reducing layers to create shadows. Since this shoe is so rare lets run through some of what makes it special: Each overlay is doubled up to add dimension. We die-cut the swoosh out of the foxing and quarter and put pebbled leather underneath to create the appearance of it going inward and to create shadows. We took this layering theme and applied it to the smallest details – everything from a layered deubré, double lace keepers, layered aglets, and a double (layered) tongue. We then reduced small details like eyelets and vents down to a bead size. The finished product is something that I am excited to own and share with friends and family members this weekend at ComplexCon. [email protected]

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