Ħarsa dettaljata lejn l-All-Star adidas Primeknit


adidas Originals Primeknit Glow in the Dark Pack

adidas Originals se jkunu qed jiddebuttaw il-ġdid fjamant adidas Primeknit Glow in the Dark Pack fit-tkomplija tal-NBA 2016 All-Star Weekend.

Il-pakkett jinkludi l-adidas Tubular X u s-siluwetti tas-Superstar. Iż-żewġ siluwetti għandhom parti ta 'fuq Primeknit li tiddi fid-dlam bħala akkumpanjament għall-istorja tal-prodott Aurora Borealis li għaddejja minn adidas matul il-Weekend tal-Istilel tal-NBA tal-2016.

Il-Pakkett Primeknit "Glow-in-the-Dark" huwa ispirat mil-lejl starry Kanadiż li jiddu fi ħdan l-Aurora Borealis u joħloq esperjenza ta 'wiri maestuż madwar l-Amerika ta' Fuq. Is-siluwetti Tubular X u Superstar jidhru f'kulur Iswed b'upper Primeknit magħmul b'ħajt u lingwata speċjali li jleqqu fid-dlam biex tlesti l-istorja materjali unika, filwaqt li żżomm il-flessibilità u n-nifs. Meta jkunu fid-dawl naturali, is-siluwetti jidhru f'kulur tradizzjonali Iswed/Abjad b'finitura ta 'fuq Primeknit griż tal-ġebel.

Fittex għall- adidas Primeknit Glow in the Dark Pack biex toħroġ fit-13 ta' Frar fi ħwienet magħżula ta' adidas Originals. L-adidas Tubular X All-Star jinbiegħ għal $180 USD u s-Superstar All-Star għal $130 USD.

adidas Tubular X “All-Star”


13 ta’ Frar 2016


adidas Superstar 80s Primeknit “All-Star”


13 ta’ Frar 2016


AĠĠORNAMENT: Hawn huma stampi dettaljati tal- adidas Primeknit Pakkett “Glow in the Dark”. li tinżel għada 13 ta’ Frar fi ħwienet bħal Livestock.

adidas Originals Primeknit Glow in the Dark Pack

adidas Originals Primeknit Glow in the Dark Pack

adidas Originals Primeknit Glow in the Dark Pack

adidas Originals Primeknit Glow in the Dark Pack

adidas Originals Primeknit Glow in the Dark Pack

adidas Originals Primeknit Glow in the Dark Pack

adidas Originals Primeknit Glow in the Dark Pack

adidas Primeknit Glow in the Dark

adidas Primeknit Glow in the Dark

adidas Primeknit Glow in the Dark

adidas Primeknit Glow in the Dark

adidas Primeknit Glow in the Dark

adidas Primeknit Glow in the Dark

adidas Primeknit Glow in the Dark

adidas Primeknit Glow in the Dark

adidas Primeknit Glow in the Dark

adidas Primeknit Glow in the Dark

adidas Primeknit Glow in the Dark

adidas Primeknit Glow in the Dark

adidas Primeknit Glow in the Dark

adidas Primeknit Glow in the Dark

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