Nike Releasing The Air More Uptempo


Nike Air More Uptempo What The 90s AT3408-800 Release Date-4

Parti mill-Pakkett "What The 90s" ta 'Nike għall-istaġun tal-ħarifa li ġej hija enfasizzata mis-siluwett Air More Uptempo li joħroġ fid-daqs tal-iskola tal-grad.

Liebsa skema ta’ kuluri Total Orange, Iswed, Hyper Jade, u Bordeaux. Dan Nike Uptempo isir f'tema li jixbhu lil What The bi grafika dettaljata kollha u logos Swoosh ripetuti fuq it-test "AIR" ta' daqs kbir. Midsole tal-gomma Abjad solidu u suletta ta 'barra tikkumplimenta l-wildness murija fuq il-parti ta' fuq tagħha.

Nike Air More Uptempo X'Id-Data ta' Ħruġ tas-snin 90

Fittex għall- Nike Air More Uptempo "What The 90s" bħalissa disponibbli f'bejjiegħa bl-imnut magħżula bħal Oneness u dalwaqt fuq Il-prezz bl-imnut huwa stabbilit għal $140 USD.

Nike Air More Uptempo GS "What The 90s"

Kulur: Total Orange/Iswed-Hyper Jade-Bordeaux

Kodiċi Stil: AT3408-800

Prezz: $140

Nike Air More Uptempo What The 90s AT3408-800 Release Date-4

Nike Air More Uptempo What The 90s AT3408-800 Release Date-4

Nike Air More Uptempo What The 90s AT3408-800 Release Date-4

Nike Air More Uptempo What The 90s AT3408-800 Release Date-4

Nike Air More Uptempo What The 90s AT3408-800 Release Date-4

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